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Club Constitution

Ventnor Tennis Club constitution

December 2023




1.      Name. 3

2.      Definitions. 3

3.      Objects. 3

4.      Application of Surplus Funds. 4

5.      Membership. 4

6.      Resignation. 6

7.      Expulsion. 6

8. Effect of Registration or Expulsion. 7

9.      The Management Committee. 7

10.        Proceedings of the Management Committee. 8

11.        Annual General Meeting. 9

12.        Extraordinary General Meetings. 9

13.        Procedures at the Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings. 9

14.        Coaches and Players. 10

15.        Guests. 10

16.        Alteration of the Rules. 10

17.        Regulations and Standing Orders. 10

18.        Finance. 11





  1. Name                               the club is called Ventnor Tennis Club (“the Club”)

  2. Definitions

“the Chairman”                means the person elected from time to time to be the Chairman of the club in accordance with Rule 9.

“the CLTA”                means Hampshire and Isle of Wight county Lawn Tennis Association.

“the Secretary”                means the person elected from time to time to be the Secretary of the club in accordance with Rule 9.

“the Treasurer”                means the person elected from time to time to be the Treasurer of the club in accordance with Rule 9.

“the LTA”                             means (LTA CLQ) and its subsidiaries or such successor entity or entities has become(s) the governing body of the game of tennis from time to time.

“the Management Committee” means committee appointed pursuant to rule 9 to manage the club.

“the Officers”                    means the Chairman, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Vice chairman

“the Members”                means the Members of the club admitted from time to time to Membership of the club in accordance with Rule 5.

“the Trustees”                   means the persons appointed from time to time to be the Trustees of the club in accordance with Rule 10.6.

Disciplinary Code             means the Disciplinary Code of the LTA enforce from time to time.

  •                                means a Member of Ventnor Tennis Club.

  •                                      means the Rules of the LTA as in force from time to time.

(Words denoting the singular number include the plural number and vice versa, words denoting the masculine gender include the feminine gender, and words denoting persona include bodies corporate (however incorporated) and unincorporated, including associations of persona and partnerships)

  1. Objects

3.1 The objects of the Club are:

(a) To provide facilities for tennis, social and other activities for its Members and generally to encourage and facilitate the playing of tennis.

(b) To provide and maintain club premises at St. Boniface Road, Ventnor.

                (c) To promote, improve, develop and support the interests of tennis.

(d) To affiliate to the CLTA and by doing so affiliate to the LTA and to comply with and uphold the Rules and regulations of the CLTA and the LTA as amended from time to time and the Rules and regulations of anybody to which the LTA is affiliated.

(e) To acquire, establish, own, operate and turn to account in any way the tennis court facilities of the club together with buildings an easements, fixtures and fittings and accessories as shall be thought advisable.

(f) To make Rules, regulations, bylaws and standing orders concerning the operation of the club including without limitation regulations concerning disciplinary procedures that may be taken against the Members.

(h) Such other things as the Management Committee thinks fit to further the interests of the club want to be incidental or conducive to the attainment of all or any of the objects stated in this rule 3.

(i) To offer Membership to all Members of the community and to maintain a welcoming atmosphere. The club's objectives and benefits shall be made available or offered to all Members equal opportunities basis.

  1. Application of Surplus Funds

4.1 The club is a non-profit making organisation. All surpluses will be used to maintain or improve the club's facilities and in furtherance of the clubs objectives. No surplus will be distributed other in accordance with clause 25.3 on winding up or dissolution of the club.

4.2 Nothing in clause 4.1 shall prevent the club from entering an agreement with the Member for the supply by him/her to the club for goods or services or for his/her employment by the club.  Provided that such arrangements are approved by the Management Committee and agreed with the Member on an arms length basis.

  1. Membership

5.1 Eligibility for Membership (see also Clause 5.3)

5.1.1 Persons of either sex are eligible for Adult Membership of the club provided they are at least 18 years old. No person shall be denied Membership of the club on the grounds of race, ethnic origin, creed, colour, age, disability, sex, occupation, sexual orientation, religion, political or other beliefs.

5.1.2 Persons below the age of 18 or eligible for Junior Membership without the right to hold office or vote at general meetings.

5.1.3 Persons not resident and not working on the Isle of Wight are eligible for Visitor Membership without the right to hold office or vote at general meetings.

5.2.1 Admission of Members

Any person who wishes to become a Member must submit an application form online (  Every Member will provide their email address, home address and telephone contact details.  Applications for membership are provisionally able to use all facilities of the club from the time of payment of this subscription.  In exceptional circumstance, the Club committee may review club membership submissions in the best interests of the Club.

5.2.2  Each Member agrees as a condition of Membership

A. To be bound by and subject to these Rules.

B. To be bound by and subject to the Rules and Disciplinary Code.

5.2.3 Rule 5.2.2 confers a benefit on the LTA and subject to the remaining provisions of this rule, is intended to be enforceable by the LTA By virtue of the Contracts (rights and third parties) Act 1999.  For the avoidance of doubt, the Members do not intend that any terms of these Rules, apart from rule 5.2.2 should be enforceable by virtue of the Contracts (rights and third parties) Act 1999 by any person who is not party to this agreement.

5.2.4 The Management Committee may terminate the Membership of any person, impose any other sanction they determine to be appropriate, in connection with the breach of any condition the Membership set out in this rule.

5.3 Classes of Members

5.3.1 There shall be the following classes of Members for the club.

Classification                                     Description

S                                                              Full Member (Single Adult)

P                                                             Two Full Members (Married, Partners, both living ‘Under one household’)

F                                                              Family (all living ‘under one household’)

I                                                               Student (Age 18 to 21)

J                                                              Child/Youth (Aged 17 or under)

V                                                             Visitor (Those in the above categories but not permanently resident and not working on the Isle of Wight)

C                                                             Concession (See Clause 5.3.2)

H                                                             Honorary (See Clause 5.3.1)

Cor                                                         Corporate (Maximum of 2 hours free use per day of Court 4, using the online court booking system.  Fees to be agreed on a case by case basis)

5.3.2 The Management Committee may waive/produce/offer payment plans for subscription on a year to year basis for individuals who:-

a.  Perform exceptional duties for the benefit of the club but do not play tennis for recreational purposes.

                b.  In exceptional ‘one off’ circumstances.

5.3.3  The Chairman may propose person(s) be granted honorary Membership in recognition of exceptional support to the club. Persons thus proposed must be elected at a general meeting by a majority of Members present.

5.3.4  Members in classifications S, P, F, I, C, H shall have the following rights associated with general meetings provided always they are 18 years or over and have Membership subscriptions fully paid up.

                a.  Attend and vote as an AGM or EGM (as of the date of the AGM/ AGM)

                b.  Propose any resolution for an upcoming AGM or EGM (as at the date of Proposal)

c.  Second any resolution for an upcoming AGM or EGM (as at the date of seconding the proposal)

d.  Nominate any Members for officer or committee (as at the date of nomination)

e.  Second any nomination for office or committee (as at the date of seconding)

5.3.5 Members in classifications V and J may attend general meetings but do not have voting rights.

5.3.6 Parents/ Guardians of junior Members may attend general meetings but do not have voting rights.

5.4 Subscriptions

5.4.1 The entrance fee an annual subscription for each type of Member shall be determined from time to time by the Management Committee.

5.4.2 The Members shall pay any entrance fee an annual subscription fees set by the Management Committee.

5.4.3 No candidate who has been elected a Member shall be entitled to the privileges of Membership until he has paid the entrance fee (if any set) and his first annual subscription.

5.4.4 Any Member whose entrance fee or subscription is not paid by 1st of July or more than three months in arrears shall be deemed to have resigned his Membership of the club.  The entrance fee (clause 5.4.2) shall be levied on any subsequent re application for Membership.

  1.  Resignation

A Member may withdraw from Membership of the club on one months clear notice to the club. Membership shall not be transferable in any event, and shall cease immediately on death or dissolution or on the failure of the Member to comply, or to continue to comply with any condition of Membership set out in these Rules.

  1. Expulsion

7.1 The Management Committee shall have power to expel a Member when, in its opinion, it would not be in the interests of the club for them to remain a Member.

7.2 A Member shall not be expelled unless he is given 14 days written notice of the meeting of the Management Committee at which their expulsion shall be considered and written details of the complaint made against them.

7.3 The Member shall be given an opportunity to make written representations and/ or to appear before the Management Committee and at any such meeting to answer complaints made against him and to cross examine any witnesses and must not be expelled unless at least two-thirds of the Management Committee then present vote in favour of his expulsion.

7.4 The Management Committee make exclude the Member from the club's premises until the meeting considering his expulsion has been held. For the avoidance of doubt, the Member shall be entitled to attend that meeting for the purpose of making his representations.

8. Effect of Registration or Expulsion

Any person ceasing to be a Member forfeits all right to and claim upon the club, it's property and it's funds and they have no right to the return of any part of their subscription. The Management Committee may refund an appropriate part of a resigning Members subscription if it considers it appropriate taking account of all the circumstances.

9.The Management Committee

  1. The club shall be managed by a management committee consisting of officers:-

  1. The Chairman

  2. The Vice Chairman

  3. The Secretary

  4. The Treasurer


A committee of up to seven other Members, 11 in total.

  1. The club agrees that each Member of the Management Committee will be required, as a condition of election or appointment, to agree to be bound by and subject to these Rules, the Rules and Disciplinary Code, such agreement to contain an express acknowledgement that the contracts (rights of third parties) act 1999 and at the LTA and Ventnor Tennis Club can enforce any breach as its option and in its sole discretion.

  2. The Secretary shall send to the Members each year a nomination form for the election of the Officers and committee in the place of those retiring. Those persons proposed for Membership of the Management Committee to fill any vacancies that have arisen must be nominated by any two Members (subject to clause 5.3.4).  This nomination must be submitted to the Secretary 14 days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting.

  3. Any person nominated as a Member of the Management Committee must be a Member of not less than one year’s standing.

  4. If there is only one candidate nominated to fill any particular vacancy, that candidate shall be declared elected unopposed for that particular vacancy at the next annual general meeting. If there is more than one candidate for any particular vacancy there should be an election at the annual general meeting for that position. In the event of the tie, the candidate to be elected shall be determined by lot.

  5. The Management Committee shall be elected at the annual general meeting in each year, and subject to termination of office by resignation, removal or otherwise, the Members remain in office until they or their successors are re-elected or elected (as the case may be) at the annual general meeting following their re-election or election (as the case may be).

  6. In addition to the Members elected or appointed in accordance with this Rule 9, the Management Committee may co-opt further Members as required to bring the committee up to full compliment and till the next annual general meeting when that person shall retire but shall be eligible for re-election. Co-opted Members shall be entitled to vote at the meetings of the Management Committee.

  7. The Management Committee may appoint any Member club Member for at least one year to fill any casual vacancy on the Management Committee until the next annual general meeting when that person shall retire but shall be eligible for re-election.

  8. Retiring Members of the Management Committee may be re-elected.

  9. A Member of the Management Committee shall be deemed to have vacated office if:-

  1. they become bankrupt or makes any arrangement or composition with his creditors generally, or;

  2. they are, or maybe, suffering from mental disorder; or

  3. they resign their office by written notice to the club; or

  4. they shall without sufficient reason for more than three consecutive meetings of the Management Committee have been absent without permission of the Management Committee and the Management Committee resolves that their office be vacated; or

  5. they are suspended from holding office or from taking part in any activity relating to the administration or management of the club by decision of the CLTA or the LTA

  6. they are requested to resign by not less than two-thirds of the other management committee Members acting together.

10.Proceedings of the Management Committee

  1. Management Committee meetings should be held as often as the Management Committee thinks fit provided that there shall not be less than four meetings each year. The quorum of such meetings shall be five, The Chairman and the Secretary shall have discretion to call emergency meetings of the Management Committee if they consider it to be in the interests of the club. The Secretary shall give all the Members of the Management Committee not less than 14 days notice of the meeting.

  2. The Chairman should be the Chairman of the Management Committee. Unless they are unwilling to do so, the Chairman shall preside at every meeting of the Management Committee at which he is present. But if there is no person holding that office, or if the Chairman is unwilling to preside or is not present within 5 minutes after the time appointed for the meeting, then the vice chairman shall chair the meeting. If the vice chairman is unwilling to preside or is not present within 5 minutes after the time appointed for the meeting the Members of the Management Committee present may appoint one of their number to be chairman of the meeting.

  3. Decisions of the Management Committee shall be made by a simple majority and in the event of equality of votes the Chairman or the acting chairman of that meeting shall have a casting or additional vote.

  4. The Management Committee may from time to time appoint from among its number such sub-committees as it considers necessary and may delegate to them such of the powers and duties of the Management Committee as the Management Committee may determine. All sub-committees shall periodically report their proceedings to the Management Committee and show conduct their business in accordance with the directions of the Management Committee.

  5. The Management Committee shall be responsible for the management of the club and shall have the sole right of appointing and determining the terms and conditions of service of employees of the club. The Management Committee shall have power to enter into contracts for the purposes of the club on behalf of all Members.

  6. The Management Committee may decide to appoint trustees, to hold office until death or resignation unless removed from office by resolution of the Management Committee. The Chairman from time to time is nominated as the person to appoint new trustees within the meaning of Section 36 of the Trustee Act 1925. A new trustee or new trustees shall be nominated by resolution of the Management Committee and the Chairman shall by deed duly appoint the person or persons so nominated as the new trustee or trustees of the club and the provisions of the Trustee Act 1925shall apply to any such appointment. Any statement of fact and in any such deed of appointment shall in favour of a person dealing with the club or the committee in good faith be conclusive evidence of the fact so stated.

  7. The number of trustees if the decision is made to appoint trustees shall not be more than four or less than two.

  8. The Members of the Management Committee shall be entitled to an indemnity out of the assets of the club for all expenses and other liabilities properly incurred by them in the management of the affairs of the club.

11.Annual General Meeting

  1. the annual general meeting of the club shall be held at such time as the Management Committee shall decide each year to transact the following business:-

  1. To receive the Chairman's reports of the activities of the club during the previous year

  2. To receive and consider the accounts of the club for the previous year, and the treasures report as to the financial position of the club

  3. To remove and elect the auditor, no, or confirm that he remain in office

  4. To elect the Officers and other Members of the Management Committee

  5. To decide on any resolution which may be Julie submitted in accordance with Rule 11.2 below, to do with any special matters which the Management Committee desires to bring before the Membership

    1. Notice of any resolution proposed to be moved at the annual general meeting shall be given in writing to the Secretary not less than 21 days before the meeting.

    2. No period greater than 15 months shall elapse between one annual general meeting and the next.

12.Extraordinary General Meetings

An extraordinary general meeting may be called at any time by the Management Committee and shall be called within 28 days of receipt by the Secretary of requisition in writing signed by no less than 16 Members stating the purpose for which the meeting is required and the resolutions proposed.

13.Procedures at the Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings

  1. the Secretary shall send to each Member that's his last known address written notice of the date of the general meeting together with the resolutions to be proposed at least 14 days before the meeting.

  2. The quorum for the annual and extraordinary general meetings shall be 15 Members from the voting Membership of the club (see clause 5.3.4)

  3. The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the club but if he is not present within 15 minutes after the time appointed for the meeting or has signified his inability to be present at the meeting, the vice chairman shall preside. In the case that the vice chairman not being present, the Members present may choose one of the other Members of the Management Committee present to preside and if no other Member of the Management Committee is present or willing to preside the Members present and entitled to vote they choose one of their Member to be chairman of the meeting.

  4. Each Member present shall have one vote and resolutions shall be passed by a simple majority of those Members present and voting. An event of equality for votes, the Chairman hope the meeting should have a casting or additional vote.

  5. The Secretary, who in his absence a Member of the Management Committee, shall take minutes at annual and extraordinary general meetings.

  6. There shall be no right for a Member to vote by proxy.

14.Coaches and Players

Ventnor Tennis Club agrees that all unlicensed and unregistered coaches and, as far as reasonably practicable, players and other persons using the facilities of Ventnor Tennis Club will be required, as a condition of such use, to agree to be bound by and subject to these Rules, the Rules and the Disciplinary Code, such agreement to contain and express acknowledgement that the contracts (rights of third parties) Act 1999 applies and that the LTA inventor Tennis Club can enforce any breach at its option and in its sole discretion.


  1. Any Member by introduce guests to the club, a player, coach, other team representative, match official or spectator attending the clubs premises who is not a Member shall be a guest of the Management Committee, provided that no one whose application for Membership has been declined or has been expelled from the club, may be introduced at a guest.

  2. The Member introducing a guest and any person introduced as a guest of the Management Committee in accordance with rule 15.1 must enter the name and address of the guest together with the name of the introducer network must be kept on the club's premises.

  3. No one may be admitted as a guest on more than four occasions in any calendar year.  On the third occasion the guest should be approached and subsequently advised of the club membership. 

  4. The club member who signs the guest in, is responsible for ensuring that the guest does not breach and complies with 15.3.

  5. Any breaches of 15.3 will be reviewed and considered by the committee. 

16.Alteration of the Rules

These Rules may be altered by resolution at an annual or extraordinary general meeting provided that the resolution shall not be passed unless carried by a majority of at least two-thirds of the Members present. The notice of which contained particulars of the proposed alteration or addition.

17.Regulations and Standing Orders

The Management Committee shall have power to make, repeal and amend such regulations, and standing orders as it may from time to time consider necessary for the well-being of the club. Such regulations, and standing orders and any repeal's or amendments to them shall have effect until set aside by the Management Committee.


  1. All monies payable to the club shall be received by the person authorised by the Management Committee to receive such monies and shall be deposited in a bank account in the name of the club. No sum shall be drawn from that account except by cheque signed by two of the three signatures who shall be the Chairman, secretary and treasurer. Any monies not required for immediate use may be invested has the Management Committee in its discretion thinks fit.

  2. Subject to rule 18.1, the income and property of the club shall be applied only in furtherance of the objects of the club and no part thereof shall be paid by way of bonus, dividend or profit to any Member.


  1. The Trustees of the Club are the holders of the following positions:-

  • The Chairman

  • The Treasurer

  • The Secretary

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